Thomas Stevens

Pay Attention to the Stairs

  • For Trumpeters Only

An age-old problem for performers of all stripes, both vocal and instrumental, is that pitches in the low register do not project as well as those in the middle or high registers, and, consequently, adjustments must be made by performers to remedy this problem.

An age-old problem for performers of all stripes, both vocal and instrumental, is that pitches in the low register do not project as well as those in the middle or high registers, and, consequently, adjustments must be made by performers to remedy this problem. The subject has been addressed in many venues such as lessons, master classes, and rehearsals; however it was perhaps addressed most succinctly, albeit metaphorically, many years ago in a Quotable most commonly attributed to the legendary Juilliard trumpet professor, Max Schlossberg, when he said: “When you go into the basement, you turn on the light!”

Simply stated, very logical, and something that will never be forgotten by anyone who ever hears it.

But, pay attention to the stairs.